Netflow-indexer uses a small configuration file that setups the type of indexer to use and the location of the files on disk. It has the following settings:
indexer = nfdump_full
dbpath = /data/nfdump_xap
flowpath = /data/nfsen/profiles/live/podium
fileglob = %(flowpath)s/nfcapd.%(year)s%(month)s%(day)s*
allfileglob = %(flowpath)s/nfcapd.*
pathregex = /profiles/:profile/:source/nfcapd
indexer = nfdump
dbpath = /data/nfdump_xap
flowpath = /data/nfsen/profiles/live/podium
fileglob = %(flowpath)s/nfcapd.%(year)s%(month)s%(day)s*
allfileglob = %(flowpath)s/nfcapd.*
pathregex = /profiles/:profile/:source/nfcapd
indexer = flowtools
dbpath = /usr/local/var/db/flows/nfi
flowpath = /usr/local/var/db/flows/packeteer
fileglob= %(flowpath)s/%(year)s/%(year)s-%(month)s/%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s/ft-v05.%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s.%(hour)s*
allfileglob = %(flowpath)s/*/*/*/ft-v05.*
Netflow-indexer should be run from cron 5 minutes after every hour when using the nfdump indexer and every 5 minutes when using the nfdump_full indexer:
45 0 * * * cd /data/nfdump_xap/ && ./daily_compact > /dev/null
*/5 * * * * sleep 30;netflow-index-update /data/nfdump_xap/nfdump.ini
55 0 * * * netflow-index-cleanup /data/nfdump_xap/nfdump.ini -d
xapian allows you to compact an index for read-only use. Compaction yields disk usage and speed improvements. daily compaction is a work in progress
DAY=`date +"%Y%m%d" -d "60 minutes ago"`
./xap_compact ${DAY}.db
if [ -e $orig/.compacted ] ; then
exit 0
xapian-compact -F $orig $tmp && mv $orig $tmp2 && mv $tmp $orig && rm -rf $tmp2 && touch $orig/.compacted